Shoshana Olga Lew

Painter and sculptor, Expressive Arts Therapist, teacher and lecturer.
Active Studio in Kibbutz Nahshon

Kibbutz Nahshon, 99760 M.P.Shimshon, Israel
Email- [email protected]
Phone: 972 (0)8 9278637
972(0) 508674545

Born 1935, in New York City.

Moved to Israel in 1956, settled in Kibbutz Nahshon and worked in the different branches of the kibbutz. Created permanent works of art and holiday decorations for the community.
A teacher of English, Hebrew, Art and Arts and Crafts at Kibbutz Nahshon and at the Kfar Menahem High School.

Participated in numerous group exhibitions from 1957.

First solo exhibition in Tel Aviv in 1960. In the interim, 14 solo exhibitions.

During 1962-1964, apprenticed with the scenic designer, Arnon Adar. Thereafter created scenic and costume designs for theater productions in the kibbutz movement, for the Zavit and Ohel Theater and for the Red Sea Festivals in Eilat.

In 1982, created environmental sculptures for Kiryat Shmona and Herzlia, commissioned by the Ministry of Housing.

Between 1988 and 1991, worked as an expressive arts therapist with drug addicts in a detox program in Jaffa and from 1991-1994, with the mentally ill at the Shaar Menashe Mental Health Center, near Hadera. Worked also as an arts therapist in Rishonim School in Nes Ziona (1990) and in the Center for Remedial Teaching in Herzlia (1994-1995).

In 1988 and 1990 conducted expressive therapies workshops for social workers and kindergarten teachers in Kassel, Germany under the auspices of the Gesammteschule in Kassel.

From 1989-2000, taught Art and Art Therapy at the Seminar Hakibbutzim Teachers Training College.

Taught art to Arab kindergarten teachers at Givat Haviva.

Visiting Lecturer at the Mofet Institute for ongoing education for teachers of teachers in Tel Aviv and at "Shema", institute for ongoing education of special education teachers.
Currently lecturer at the Israeli extension of Liverpool University,England.
Conducts private art therapy groups and creative art studios.

Member of the Artists and Sculptors Association, Tel Aviv.
Registered member with supervisor status of I.C.E.T., The Israeli association of Creative and Expressive Therapies.

All images © copyright 1996-2018 Shoshana Lew. All rights reserved.